So I have this:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ShopManager : MonoBehaviour
public int buyAmount;
Clicker clicker;
private void Awake()
clicker = GetComponent<Clicker>();
public void BuyAmountChanger()
if (buyAmount == 1)
buyAmount = 10;
else if (buyAmount == 10)
buyAmount = 100;
else if (buyAmount == 100)
buyAmount = 1;
public void AddClicker()
The problem with this is the last few lines. clicker.AddObject(buyAmount); only adds 1 to the object amount no matter what buyAmount is. Ive tried to use Debug.Log(buyAmount) to print what buyAmount is when I add it but that doesnt seem to work as it doesnt show anything at all, it just doesnt output.
If this matters I also have this.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Clicker : MonoBehaviour
public string objectName = "Clicker";
public int objectAmount;
public int idlerCost = 1;
public int nextIdlerCost;
public void AddObject(int AddAmount)
objectAmount += AddAmount;
//Debug.Log("You now have " + objectAmount + " Clickers!");
public void SubObject(int SubAmount)
objectAmount -= SubAmount;
public void CalcNextIdlerCost()
nextIdlerCost = (int)(idlerCost * 1.2);
public void NewIdlerCost()
idlerCost = nextIdlerCost;
public void AddGold()