This is why you should never use Unity Build Automation (ex Cloud Build)

Me: trying to make a build


See our docs here for help updating your source control settings.

Me: clicking link


Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooops. The page you were looking for doesn’t exist

The same issues come up almost every time when I need to build something in a hurry.
I don’t even use Unity’s source control in my projects!!!

UNITY PLEASE Improve your build automation quality control!!!

P.S.: I am very sad…

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Hi @vakuor ,

I apologize for the inconvenience you’re experiencing with our UBA services. Earlier today, we encountered a service interruption. Our build automation team is aware of the issue and is actively investigating it.

I will update this thread as soon as we have more information.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Learned this the hard way years ago. Invested so much into this crap service.

Like you, EVERY SINGLE TIME I need to do a live service build, issues occur on Unity’s end.

Game development feels like nothing but a chore after making the move to Unity. A good week is only a calm before the next storm.

It’s not that they don’t know that we rely on their services, it’s that they clearly don’t care, or they are too incompetent for their positions.

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not related with the topic of thread about unity failing to do the job, but I’m curious why you sue this live build service? what is the purpose in your specific case

I build for webgl, 32, and 64 bit, with integration into AWS → S3 auto-upload in post-script for automated cloud-front distribution simultaneously for updates. Building each on local systems would be way too much work to do individually with how often I do test/live public builds.

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We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and the disruption to your day to day operations when using UBA. We understand that stability and reliability in a cloud service is extremely important and the impact that our quality has on your work.

This issue is now resolved. If you continue to encounter this issue please open a support ticket.

I hope to switch to another self-hosted building solution soon. It will be quite difficult and will take some time, but I will be able to build my apps anytime at almost same price.

This is the only way. No trust left.

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P.S. Stop apologizing. We need a robust solution, not an apologies.

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