I wonder up to what extent such dramatic moves are possible in real FPS game. I myself think of 3 possibilities:
1)Obviously, VR with motion controls (though at least Unrecord is not announced as VR game)
2)Intrusive aim assist mechanics. Any example of a game where it worked well?
3)Not possible, it is all pre-keyframed
this is a VR game.
I dont know much about it but to get the hands to go to correct spot probably put an IK target on the slide and once the hand gets close enough it assumes the position.
Beliveable. Though moment when player looks down to vault over obstacle is fishy. Either deliberately acted out or a scripted reaction (which I assume is no-no for VR)
what do you mean? player can look anywhere anytime. It’s a promo video and menat to look realistic so its not weird that they do something like that, whether the camera has been animated to look like gameplay or they just looked down while playing.