Hi folks! I’m Zenas from QuadraTron Games and we’re working on a puzzle platformer called Threshold.
We first started working on the game a year ago during Global Game Jam 14 and we all really liked what we came up with.
In Threshold the direction you face determines what “season” you are currently in. Some things exist in only one season, meaning that you can only interact with them in one direction. Can you cross the Threshold and escape the demo?
We’ve spent the last year slowly polishing it up on the side to get it somewhat presentable and we’re ready to start seriously working on it! Stay tuned!
Download Here (Just put in Other/Unity WIP)
Finally, Threshold is currently on Steam Greenlight and we launched on Kickstarter last Monday. If you like what you have seen so far, please let us know and help spread the word. Passion and cup-ramen can only take us so far! Thanks!