Thresholds not Working with Curve Animations


The AI asset I am using has its own dynamic animation controller that is built using clips that are assigned. It works with most of my animations, but not with many of the MOCAP Online animations I purchased and it appears to be related to the Speed Curves that are embedded in the animation?

As you can see, even when I reach the blend tree threshold for walk or run, it never leaves idle. The AI attempts to set the speed float and also gets a warning message saying that the speed is controlled by a curve. The weird thing is the animations work when not going through the logic gate threshold, so animations that are not speed dependent I could use.

I assume what is happening here is that because they have a curve embedded in the animation for speed I cannot override even though it is exposed as a parameter. I’m just not sure how to solve this. I like the MOCAP animations and would like to use them. Other animations from Mixamo work fine in the same movement blend tree.

Can’t you just call your Speed parameter something else so it doesn’t get controlled by those animations?

Or edit the animations to use a different name?