throw ball along path

Hello, i want to throw a ball, but before i want to see the path
i use simple physics math like : sy(t) = vy * t + g * t * t ;
sx = vx * t;

then i use rigidbody.velocity = tranform.forward * velocity;

in the calculation i use the same velocity of corse.(the same vector3)
g is 9.81 of corse

my parabola looks pretty fine but doesnt match the path the ball goes in game.
Is there anything i should know about physics and units? (I am little noob…)

any ideas?

g = - 9.81 **

Did you set linear drag to 0 in the Rigidbody properties? Drag makes this formula inaccurate.

Hello thanks for reply,

i testeted to change drag and angular drag to 0f didnt change anything ;D

since i use a random velocityMultiplier of 1.4f the curve matches fine in my range of usage,
i think my formular is right somehow, but the velocity seems to be different.

if i use multiplier of 1f, the ball always fly byond the highpoint( to strong)