I have been working on a script to throw a tomahawk/throwingknife (just like throwing a knife in real life), and the script works fine only when im facing one direction. If I change directions the tomahawk will still add force but it will be thrown behind the player instead of infront. Can you please help me. I have two Scripts attatched to this one for the spawning place of the tomahawk and one for when the tomahawk has been spawned and now adding force to it.
var tomahawk : GameObject;
var tomahawkSpawn : GameObject;
var cameraObject : GameObject;
function Update ()
tomahawkSpawn.transform.position = cameraObject.transform.position;
tomahawkSpawn.transform.rotation = cameraObject.transform.rotation;
function ThrowingTomahawk ()
Instantiate(tomahawk, tomahawkSpawn.transform.position, tomahawkSpawn.transform.rotation);
var throwingForce : float;
var spinningSpeed : float;
function Awake ()
rigidbody.AddForce(0, 0, throwingForce);
rigidbody.AddTorque(Vector3.right * spinningSpeed);