Throwing: Curving an object from a set location to another location

Hi all,

I am trying to create a grenade for my turn based game, but I am stuck at throwing it correctly. Throwing it is no problem, but to have it hit on a predefined location and to fly in a curve is a bit difficult. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to do this? Not asking for code, just something to point me in the right direction,

Thanks in advance,

Maybe a tween if some sort? iTween, HOTween, LeanTween…

iTween looks perfect. Thanks! Wish I had know about it sooner, because it looks so simple :slight_smile:

You could use a rigidbody and add force. The difficulty here would be to calculate how much force is necessary to reach a given point. You could start here: Projectile motion - Wikipedia

The easier way would be to calculate a curve from the starting to end points (since the curve just has to look good, not match an actual trajectory). You could then animate the grenade along that path.

I think a quick and dirty way would be to use a library like iTween. You could create an arcing path using (whatever path creation tool it provides) and then either move the end points to match your desired arc or scale/move/rotate the path to do the same, depending on how the paths are setup and how you can manipulate them at runtime.