thrust script headache

Okay, found what I was looking for. Needed to use AddForce (who woulda figured?).


I realize it’s a simple thing, but I’ve been trying to figure out how to make my character move forward as if a rocket booster were kicked in when the w key is pressed, but I’m still a floundering newbie when it comes to coding. I’ve looked at a lot of scripts that ‘kind of’ deal with rockets/boosters/etc, but I guess it’s just not sticking.

Code so far:

var thrustForce : int = 20;
var thrustClip : AudioClip;

function Update () {
     if (Input.GetButton ("Thrust")) {
         velocity = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3(0, 0, thrustForce));
		 print("w pushed");

I get the notification that the w key is pressed, so I have the axes set up right, but I’m not getting the force.

Any wonderful people out there with pointers in the right direction?

Many thanks,

Use AddRelativeForce.


Much better. Thanks.
