tile colliders

is it possible to use onmousedown with a tile grid collider type? When I set-up a tile, I can set a collider type, sprite or grid. I wanted to know if I could somehow use this collider with a mouse click so that if the tile is clicked on, something will happen. I tried attaching a script to both the grid and tilemap, but nothing happened when I clicked on the tile.

void OnMouseDown(){    		
			Vector3 mouseWorldPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
			Vector3Int coordinate = currentMap.WorldToCell(mouseWorldPos);    			
			Tile t = currentMap.GetTile (coordinate) as Tile;

Any help is appreciated.

did you initialize OnMouseDown() in your update function? like:

    void Update() {
void OnMouseDown(){            
             Vector3 mouseWorldPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
             Vector3Int coordinate = currentMap.WorldToCell(mouseWorldPos);                
             Tile t = currentMap.GetTile (coordinate) as Tile;