Tiled Animated Tiles (2d-extras)

Is there a way to better create these animated tiles so that they can be tiled?

See gif: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
As seen above, it’s basically alternating tiles that are ‘scrolling’ like a conveyor belt or waterfall.

It’s created using these tiles:

However, for them to tile correctly, I need to create two “Animated Tile”

Blue Tile:

Red Tile:

Which are basically the same tiles, just the offset is different. Blue tile starts on blue (offset is sprite #5 on red), red tile starts on red
Is there a way to set the frame offset for the animations so that it is easier to make tiled animations?

Not an ideal solution, but you could duplicate the Blue Tile and set the Start Frame to 4 to get the Red Tile from the duplicate, however you still end up with two Tile assets.

Yeah, that is what I ended up doing (copy paste the asset and rename) then edit the start frame.

Wonder if there is something better I can do with nested tile rule or something