Hi, we are using multiple tilemaps and have a layer that supports the player walking behind or in-front through transparency sort mode set to y=1.
This has worked very well previously but apparently the reason it worked was just a coincidence!
The tilemap is set to chunk-mode and this worked really well even if a e.g. tree is build out of more than one tile
However, the exact same tilemap acts completely different with sorting depending on the player’s y-position apparently
and yes, this is the exact same tilemap
I did a sanity check in an empty map and tested with a much larger sprite - a house:
Here you can see that the sorting does not work at all
BUT in the same level on a different position on the tilemap this works completely fine???
My setup:
- transparency sort mode to y=1 (2D renderer)
- latest Unity 2019.4 LTS
- one spritesheet
What I tried as well:
- creating a SpriteAtlas and test in playmode
- testing in URP renderer
- setting all tiles and the player sprite to “pivot” mode
Switching the tilemap’s mode to “individual” does not work, each tile of that house gets messed up because the player is larger than one tile
So my conclusion(?) so far is that there must be some automated chunking going on that is messing up the render-order?
We only realized this circumstance today and after editing our levels the chunking seems to have broken our well-working previous levels.
Can someone please let me know if there is anything else I could try?