Tilemap Collider not Functioning

Hello! I’m having issues currently regarding some physics stuff. Currently this is the outline showing the collision area. I want to only select the edges to collide with so the player can walk up the stairs. The issue is when I use the Sprite Editor on the tile to create custom physics shape it doesn’t do what I’d like and I’m not sure I understand how it works.


These are some squares I am selecting on the tile map which includes their custom physics collisions.

Middle Tile (Part of it is selected and this works as expected):

Right Tile (Whole tile selected):

Left Tile (nothing selected):

Now why is it that in the middle tiles I select part of the tile I would be able to walk inside of it, but if I select the whole tile I can’t walk in any of it, nor when I select none of it. It doesn’t make sense. Any help would be appreciated :frowning:

For extra information, I also have reset the Tilemap Collider and applied the changes I have made.

you should set up the custom physics shapes of of the tiles like the left side of this image for each left side tile(same for right side tiles):
sorry for the initially hand drawn rectangles

the middle tiles should have no custom physics shapes/colliders

when you enable composite collider for the tilemap collider, it’ll become like the right side(green) rectangle