Tilemap Extras 1.6.3-preview for 2020.2 is now available

Tilemap Extras 1.6.3-preview for 2020.2 is now available. In this release we’ve:

  • Updated the documentation

  • For the Prefab Brush:

  • Added pick (Users are able to pick Prefabs using the Pick tool)

  • Added tooltip for “Erase Any Objects” field

  • For PrefabBrush and GameObjectBrush, we now account for Anchor when using GetObjectsInCell in PrefabBrush and GameObjectBrush

  • For CustomRuleTileScript, we now allow Custom Rule Tile template script to be created regardless of where template script is installed (from a package or in the project)

  • Added a contribution notice in README.md and Updated Third Party Notices.md

To install 2D Tilemap Extras:

  1. Go to Project Settings > Package Manager > Advanced Settings and make sure that Enable Pre-release Packages is checked.
  2. Select 2D Tilemap Extras in the Package Manager and hit Install.