I am not sure why and when exactly, but I get the following errors sometimes, especially when stop playing inside Unity editor
The Handle has already been released.
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.AtomicSafetyHandle:Release (Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.AtomicSafetyHandle)
UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap:Finalize ()
Using Unity 2021.2
From the look of the error message, it’s got to do with tilemaps?
Will check this out, thanks!
Hi Do you have any news in regarding to the issue?
We do have a fix which should help with this issue coming, but no ETA for it unfortunately.
If you could provide a bug report with your reproduction for this, that would be really helpful!
I have just reported this. ( 1389416 )
Thanks for this, we will try to backport the fix for this for 2012.2!
Just to update, the fix will be in 2021.2.9. Hope this helps!
Thanks! I would love to know the nature of the issue, did it contributed to any kinds of memory leak issue?
It should not have contributed to any memory leaks. The issue with this is that the clean up for Tilemap Handles is done more than once, instead of just once. Each subsequent clean up call will result in the error message you have seen.