TilemapRenderer SRP Batch mode causes dark color

I’m attempting to improve the rendering performance of my scenes and have run into a strange issue with the TilemapRenderer. I’m using the SRP Batcher and the 2D Renderer in URP on Unity 6000.0.23f1.

When selecting SRP Batch mode in the TilemapRenderer the tilemap appears much darker than when using Chunk or Individual Mode, and does not match the selected color in the Tilemap’s Color property.

The color that gets rendered is consistently darker no matter what color I’m selecting, almost as if it is in the wrong color space. Changing between Linear and Gamma color spaces don’t seem to have much effect (SRP Batch is still shown darker than Chunk or Individual). My tiles are each a pure white sprite.

Is this an expected behavior? How can I accurately set the color for a tilemap and use the SRP Batcher? What is the most efficient rendering setup here especially considering my tiles are very simple, solid colors.

One other strange bit here is the Frame Debugger seems to show a single batch to render the tilemap when it is set to SRP Batcher (as expected), however when set to Individual it also shows only a single batch (though with more draw calls). Only Chunk mode shows multiple passes to render the tilemap.

Any insight is much appreciated. Thanks!

SRP Batch Mode

Chunk Mode

Individual Mode

Bump. Anyone have any insight? Is this just a bug in the SRP batcher?

Sorry for the delay. It would be difficult to analyze the issue with the above screenshots alone. Could you please submit a bug report or a repro project? Will take a look asap.

Hi @Venkify I just submitted a bug report and repro project here:
IN-92918 - TilemapRenderer SRP Batch mode causes dark color

Thank you for taking a look. Let me know if there is any other information I can provide.

Thanks for submitting a bug report. We have fixed the issue and it should hopefully be available public soon. Will keep this thread posted. Thanks.

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