Tiling material with multiple textures.

Is there a way to have a tiled material that chooses randomly from a list of textures I decide?

I have a couple inter mixing seamless textures and itd be cool if I could use them all at once to make my surfaces look a bit more different.

Can a custom material be made to be able to do this?

I have never seen someone do this with a material (doesn’t mean it isn’t possible).

Anyway, the most commmon way to fight tiled repetition is to have multiple textures layered at different frequencies.

However if you must stay tiled, I think a more optimized and feasible approach would be to put all your texture variants onto a single texture sheet, and UV them onto variant geometry tiles, and variate the geometry.
Check out the ‘tiled’ editor (mapeditor.org) too, maybe it would suit your purpose? There are various pipelines to Unity.