Tilt Brush

So I just saw this.

Its the first VR software I’ve seen that actually makes me want a headset. Maybe this could be the flagship VR app we are waiting for?

In any case it looks awesome. And my wife might just forgive me the cost of the headset if I let her play with this.


It is pretty cool! They said they were implementing a FBX export, i want to get the models into Unity!

That being said I don’t think it’s buy a Vive cool or anywhere near the killer app for the system.

Wow, looks impressive
What are more people leaning towards for VR now? Vive or Rift?

Rift is a nicer VR headset, Vive is a better VR system. Currently the Oculus is not comparable to the Vive due to lack of motion controls… IMO it’s kind of like buying a car without wheels.

The thing is to be perfectly honest, If i got VR i wouldnt be getting it for gimmicky controls (like walking around the room and stuff, i wanna sit in my seat) but instead play normal games but with the VR immersion and headtracking, id still wanna use a traditional controller

TBH I don’t think you should get either then. When Oculus Touch comes out I don’t see many developers making content that supports gamepads, it’s just not as good and not something that can easily be supported as a option.

Im not planning on getting any either time soon, I’ll decide later when it becomes more mainstream as ill be able to see what kind of games support it

I can just picture that chick crashing and flailing all around her apartment, tripping over the coffee table, the shoebox-sized Oculus becoming a very expensive projectile…


I’ve had my Vive since Wednesday. Tilt brush is pretty cool, unfortunately I’m not artistic. I’ve played a little Elite on it and it was pretty cool, but only supports gamepads/joysticks. Also, picked up Out of Ammo which is a pretty fun room scale RTS/FPS.

Most of my time has been developing on it though, which has been enjoyable.

That said, the screen door effect can be bothersome at times, though an immersive game will keep you from noticing it.

Could you do it for twenty-five hours straight though? :stuck_out_tongue:


Oye, I bet he had some bad VR neck the next day!