Tilting board

I need a script that will tilt a board on the x and z axis. I can’t seem to get this right. Basically I want a script that tilts a board (target) in changing directions every x seconds. I need to understand how I can fire the script with different (xAxisTilt) and (zAxisTilt) values every x seconds

What’s the best idae here? Do I stick this in the Update() function or what is the best method for this?

Can’t you just make a Animation that works like that ?
If you want to use the script above i should set it in the FixedUpdate i think (the one who equals OnGUI)
just watch the “GUI tut from Uinte 2007 talk”
can you explain better what you want

Essentially I want to tilt a cube from side to side. My intention is to use a large flat cube as a board and a sphere as a ball to roll arround on that board. I want the board to tilt from side to side and back and forth while I controll the ball using the input from keys. The borad should slowly tilt left, then back, then right, then forth to end up in the starting position again. Using the attached script works fine, I just dont know how to change the values of “xAxisTilt” and zAxisTilt" at run-time. Need something like this

for 4 seconds:
Next 4 sec:
Next 4 sec:
Next 4 sec: