Time.deltaTime Problem

i wrote a little clicker game where you click the screen and get a point now I am trying to add a auto clicker that adds every second one point, but now I cant click manually on the screen to get a point.
Thanks for every answer!
Thats my code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ClickCount : MonoBehaviour
    public Text displayPoints;
    public SafeAndLoad safeAndLoad;
    private float Points;

    void Update()
        displayPoints.text = "Points: " + safeAndLoad.points;
    void OnMouseUp()
        safeAndLoad.points += safeAndLoad.pointsPerClick;
    void Count()
        Points += Time.deltaTime * safeAndLoad.pointsPerTick;
        safeAndLoad.points = Mathf.RoundToInt(Points);

Solved it by my own if somebody has the same problem heres the code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ClickCount : MonoBehaviour
    public Text displayPoints;
    public SafeAndLoad safeAndLoad;
    private float Points;

    void Update()
        Points += Time.deltaTime * safeAndLoad.pointsPerTick;
        if(Points >= 1.0f)
            safeAndLoad.points += 1;
            Points = 0.0f;
        displayPoints.text = "Points: " + safeAndLoad.points;
    void OnMouseUp()
        safeAndLoad.points += safeAndLoad.pointsPerClick;

I noticerd a small bug in your new code:

        if(Points >= 1.0f)
            safeAndLoad.points += 1;
            Points = 0.0f;

If points was, say 1.05, you’re throwing out that extra .05. That means your points will accrue at a slightly slower rate than you expect. I would replace that code with this:

        while (Points >= 1.0f)
            safeAndLoad.points += 1;
            Points -= 1f;

With this code, if Points is 1.05, you will add 1 to your score and keep the leftover .05. This will also handle the case where you end up with e.g. 2.05 points, since it’s a while loop.

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Thanks! Thats great