Time.timeScale question

Why doesn’t this code make it so time plays at 3x speed until I use horizontal input?
It simply returns a 3x speed effect constantly. I’ve tried about 10 different combinations for this so far and I can only get it to work perfectly in reverse. IE time speeds up on horizontal and then returns to normal when input is null.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class FastMo : MonoBehaviour {

	void start()
		Time.timeScale = 3f;

	void Update()
		if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Horizontal")) 
			if (Time.timeScale == 3f)
				Time.timeScale = 1f;

			Time.timeScale = 3f;}

Horizontal sounds like an axis to me, in which case you’d want GetAxis and check whether it’s non-zero.

Time.timeScale = (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")==0) ? 1 : 3;