Has anyone seen this one before? Anyone got a fix? I dropped a set of characters into a timeline, had male/female dance off clips, so grouped up the characters and let er rip. Preview mode works perfectly. When I hit “Play” to record using a recorder track, it gets the wrong characters dancing the different parts! Cinemachine 2.8.0, Recorder 3.0.1, Timeline 1.6.2, (from the Cinematic Studio feature set) with Unity 2021.2.0b12.3482.
Oh, thats “fun”. If while in Play mode I mute the Cinemachine track (while its playing), it suddenly gets it all right. Un-muting the cineamachine track (flips between virtual cameras) works for the rest of that Play session.
Final result is not great video quality, but a bit of fun with the characters I have created so far for the series I am doing (very slowly!!!)
For the bug however, I never saw that myself. The team is mostly in vacation already, so I would suggest that you file a bug via the Unity Bug Reporter (Help > Report a Bug…) so that it can be triaged, looked at by the proper team, yada yada yada. If you manage to have a minimal project in which you can reproduce it, it’s even better!
Someone will have a closer look at that after the holidays for sure!
I suspect a camera animation / cinemachine problem.
Could you please validate that the camera parameters (pos, rot especially) are the same in both editor mode and play mode ?
Sorry, I have not had time to pull into a separate project yet (just got back from holidays), but the camera did exactly the same positioning in both. All the characters are in the same position too. They just just had the wrong animation clips applied to them. I will try to thin out the project.
Turned out somehow one of the characters had an extra Playable Director component on it. (No idea where that came from!) Removing got rid of the confusion of which tracks to play when. (Thanks Unity QA team!)