Timeline - Available in Unity 2017.1
Update: Timeline has been released as part of Unity 2017.1. Try it today!
The Playables Example project has also been updated for the official Unity 2017.1 release
We’re excited to share with everyone Unity’s new Timeline sequencing system.
Timeline is a new visual tool in Unity that allows the creation of cinematic content, cut scenes, gameplay sequences, complex particle systems and more. With Timeline you can organize a multitude of gameplay elements in separate tracks and orchestrate the play back easily deciding of the sequence of events.
For more information about what Timeline & Cinemachine are and how to use them, check the four sessions recorded at Unite Europe; we’ve compiled a playlist for you:
- Overview of Timeline & Cinemachine: learn the fundamentals, build something from scratch (by Mike Wuetherick and Adam Myhill)
- Timeline & Cinemachine to mix Gameplay and Interactive Cutscenes: more advanced use cases (by Andy Touch)
- Advanced Cinemachine: From 1st person shooter to 3rd person action adventure, revolutionize your in-game cameras (by Adam Myhill)
- Extending Timeline with your own playables: unleash more power (by James Bouckley)
Finally, Timeline is extensible via the Playable API and offers the ability for you to create your own tracks to drive any system you have in your game.
To get an overview of what Timeline can do, here is a preview from the Unite Seoul conference in May!
Here is another video from GDC 2017
Animation Tracks
Root motion (externally authored clips)
Anim clip keyframing workflow, synchronized with Animation Window
Activation Tracks
Enable / disable Game Object’s within Timeline
Audio clip support
Target custom Audio mixers
Custom track support
Write your own custom tracks with the enhanced Playable API
Scripted Timeline control
Start, stop, ‘go to time’ and much more
Cinemachine integration (available from the Asset Store)
Please refer to the Release Notes and Reference Guide below for more detailed information.
Timeline is integrated in the Official Unity 2017.1 release!
The latest Cinemachine is available on the Unity Asset Store:
Release Notes
Reference Guide
Reference guide on features available in this release can be found here:
Timeline / Playable API Examples
There are 2 packages available to demonstrate Timeline and the Playable API. Each demonstrates different aspects and use cases of Timeline.
Default Playables (available from the Asset store)