Timeline can't change animation clip duration

Hi I’m still learning how to use timeline. I create short animation for 2 seconds and convert it to clip track then I try to adjust animation clip length by dragging it out but animation clip extend but it’s on hold and animation still play the same duration(In the picture) Anyone know what do I miss ?

Thank you so much for your time.

Did you want to time-scale the values in the clip? Extending a clip just changes the clip duration (how much of the clip is used) - it does not affect the timing of things in the clip. You can adjust the playback speed of a clip to adjust its timing. Its a bit clunky, but it works. (I don’t’ know if there is a shortcut to make extending the clip automatically adjust the playback speed…)

yeah I expected playback speed would adjust accordingly with clip length. I probably have to adjust it manually Thanks for your help though