Timeline indicators and keyframes gone


I was working on Unity version 2022.3.8f1 for my school project. I was using unity timeline from the unity package manager to create some kind of animations. Quite a few were made, and all of a sudden I am unable to see the time indicators, and keyframes. I reverted the changes on github, and they showed time indicators, but the keyframes became straight lines, but the record button is now gone. And when I changed back to the newest one the record button is invisible, time indicator is gone, and keyframes are gone.

I think this might be some type of unity issue. My teammates are still able to use unity timeline without issues. I have tried updating unity timeline, uninstall and reinstall it as well. I have uninstalled unity editor, and reinstalled it.

Screenshots are attached.9450305--1326707--Invis buttons.png

9450305--1326707--Invis buttons.png

Reload the domain and it may be fixed. The easist way to reload domain is to do random changes in any script.

It brought back the record button that was invisible. How do I get the time indicators, and keyframes back? I use signal emitters in the timeline, so I am having trouble with them being activated at the start, because I can’t see to use it. Screenshot provided below.


has you found any way to fix it?
thank you