[Timeline] Object disappear in play mode //but still appear in timeline preview

I found that my Timeline is working completely while watched in Preview.
But when I try to play timeline in Play mode, My Object Just disappear !!

//This time I found that my object go to the middle place of animation. It just warp to the side rock in middle way

(Sometimes my object still appear in the scene but its animation didn’t work)

Please help! Thank you TT
// Sorry for bad grammar

Try removing any controllers from the animator of the object that is disappearing.

Nothing happened. This time I removed the controller of the animator of the rock and set the animator to newState as default. It doesn’t work TT || Clip >> https://goo.gl/wq3VKi (The inspector tab and animator are the rock’s)

Does the rock have the static flag checked?

Yes, it have. (The rock is from Rock & Boulders Assets)

That explains it. Uncheck that flag.

IT WORKKKKKKKKKSSSSSS !!! Thank you so muchhhhhhhhhh !!! :):):slight_smile:

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I am getting the same error but i have unchecked everything that might be static. As soon as I start game play all of my clips in the timeline disappear. It wipes out my activation tracks as well. Very frustrating. I have Alembic files and FBX’s on the timeline. Scrubbing backwards and forwards is perfect. No issues, But as soon as I go into play mode or try using Unity Recorder, the same thing happens.

It wipes out activation tracks and clips!?! That is very strange - can you post a video or provide more information? I can’t think of anything off hand that might cause that.

Similar Issue.

Scrubbing/Playing is OK. Playing the game to record, objects disappear.

What is the track offset mode off the animation tracks? From the video that appears they are playing in a different position, I see no obvious reason why the timeline would disable them.

Make sure the Animation Tracks are set to Apply Transform Offsets.

They are.

What seemed to to be the issue was in fact that I had manipulated the track clip lengths and moved
them. I would think this would not be an issue. But I solved it by simply expanding the clips gain and moving everything back to the start and playing the whole timeline and then just rendering the segment I wanted. Which is not the best workflow.

So I am going to call this a bug without any other information.

To add additional information. This is still happening and it is completely random. Sometimes the objects show up. Next time I render they are gone. Other times they show up at various places at random. I mean will be gone and then pop in. But it is not consistent from time to time that I play the game.

Pretty much rendering this tool useless for serious work in its current state.

Is there anything else that can affect those objects in the scene? Do the objects in question have animator controllers, or are they controlled by more than one timeline? Is there another script affecting them?

Timeline’s Editor preview is selective about what it controls. It sounds like what you are seeing is contention for control of the animated object at runtime, since it only happens in playmode.

The first thing that springs to mind is two timelines playing on the same object. When animating, timeline has priority over the animator controller, but two timelines animating the same object is gives priority to the most recently started. Two timelines starting the same frame, where their order of initialization changes would explain that behaviour.

If that’s not it and you are still convinced it’s a bug, open a bug using the bug reporter. We’ve dealt with a lot of questions, bugs, and issues related to starting position but I haven’t seen this exact case before.

Sorry, I am not getting any notifications for this.

And by the way this happens all the time even without the timeline. I don’t know what information to give you. Add an animator, add the animation clip, press play. The object goes away and shows up many frames later. It is not consistent. And I have seen it on more than one graphics card and system. But it happens.

In this particular case the thing that is the bug I have determined is it only seems to happen when the clip does not start at the beginning of the timeline. And it is not with all object just with mainly this train.So it must be something in the way it is rigged that is triggering this bug. Unfortunately I can give up the project as it is protected by the client.

Another update:

In this example I show how navigating randomly in the scene view will make the object pop into back view.

If I don’t navigate the object remains hidden. If I navigate, it will appear at some random time.

The only way to render a scene in this case is to move the recorder track and all of the animation I want to record far enough down the timeline for me to try to get the objects to appear.

Ah, what is the culling mode on the animator set to? If it’s not, try it on always animate.

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OK. Cool. First few tests are positive with “Always Animate”. I will let you know if anything changes.


Hi im making a 2D game and when I add animations in the game view my object disappears
how do I fix this?