Timeline window has white background when running on .NET 4.6
For me, too. And I thought, I screwed up the editor skin somehow. xD
@Xtro : Can you submit a bug report so we can track this? Thanks!
What is your system primary language set to? Oddly enough, as Xtro mentioned in his report, this reproduces only with .Net 4.6 and only when the system language is set to Turkish. Seems to work fine with other languages I’ve tested.
I’ve been using 4.6 (on 3.5 it doesn’t reproduce) and my display language is English, but Culture Format and Keyboard are set to German. This means my OS displays text in English, but Unity started (not sure, maybe since 2017?) using the comma-separator in input fields.
The new scripting runtime change the way locale settings are working by default. There is another thread about this: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/editor-is-using-windows-locale-settings.442847
We’re currently investigating the best way to handle this.
I tested this on 2017.3b1 and still broken. Any update?
It looks like the bug report is still open with the timeline team. I’m not sure about the cause, but it seems to be related to locale settings, based on the investigation our QA team did. So the problem does not happen with English US locale, but it does occur with some others.
Using Window’s locale is still a bad idea!
Please, please, please, if you insist on grabbing the user’s locale, let us at least force the locale to be English US somewhere so we don’t have to deal with random things breaking due to locale differences. There is really only downsides to it being something else than US.
It’s not like locale settings is in any way a localization feature. It’s just a feature that changes code results arbitrarily from computer to computer. I’ll bet you that this has to do with some color not parsing due to being spelled with , instead of . or something similarly silly.
Default culture should not be US, it should be invariant culture.
Probably true! That’s what the invariant culture is for, after all. My bad.
I can’t believe this is still not fixed. Such an easy fix. Anyway. I got rid of all my Unity culture specific problems with this script. It must be placer in an “Editor” folder.
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEditor;
static class UnityCultureFix
static UnityCultureFix()
var Culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = Culture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Culture;