we have a custom track which animates gameobject properties from the track mixer, with a animation clip playable.
public override Playable CreateTrackMixer(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, int inputCount)
// Get track binding
var director = go.GetComponent<PlayableDirector>();
if (!director) return base.CreateTrackMixer(graph, go, inputCount);
m_LayerEvaluator = (QuillLayerEvaluator) director.GetGenericBinding(this);
// Create an AnimationClipPlayable to play layer animation.
if (hasCurves) curves.legacy = false;
var animationPlayable = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(graph, curves);
var animationOutput = AnimationPlayableOutput.Create(graph, "LayerAnimation", m_LayerEvaluator.layerAnimator);
return animationPlayable;
The track curves are set from another script when the track is created.
It works as I expected but I have not been able to make the curves show up in the inline curve editor. The track doesn’t draw dots for the keyframes either. Is there some interface i need to implement for them to show up?
I chose to write my own custom track instead of using Animation Track because I need the track to be a special type to be found by other tools. If this is not the right direction, is there a better way of creating my own custom animation track?
The Timeline Editor UI does not show arbitrary values of the TrackAsset.curves property, although, it would be a nice addition if it did.
The UI will display animated track mixer properties, similar to animated clip fields. For example, the following class will display fieldA and fieldB in the UI.
public class MyTrackAsset : TrackAsset
public class MyTrackMixer : PlayableBehaviour
public Vector3 fieldA; // these will show up in the editor inline curves
public float fieldB;
// this is required so the timeline editor can get serialized properties to animate
public MyTrackMixer template = new MyTrackMixer();
public override Playable CreateTrackMixer(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, int inputCount)
return ScriptPlayable<MyTrackMixer>.Create(graph, inputCount, template);
It appears that you are trying to replicate the ‘infinite track’ mode of animation tracks, which unfortunately is a completely custom solution inside of timeline.
However, if you have a fixed set of properties to animate, then you can use a custom mixer and have your PrepareFrame callback of the track mixer apply the animated values.
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object userData)
// MyBinding is the type of of the object bound to the track
((MyBinding) userData).fieldA = this.fieldA;
Hi Sean, thank you for your reply. One more question, If I use a custom mixer behaviour, it seems that I will have to add keys for each track manually in the animation window. Is is still possible to procedurally assign animation curves to animate the mixer properties?
Yes - use AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(track.curves) to see how the EditorCurveBindings are setup. I believe you need to use the type of TrackAsset or PlayableAsset holding the PlayableBehaviour template when creating the EditorCurveBindings.
I want to know how to zoom the curve view separately? I have a parameter in the range of [0, 100], default is 0, but the curve view only shows the range of [-0.5, 0.5], causing the curve to often exceed the display area of the curve view.