Timeout when showing ad for the first time.

I’ve encountered this bug.
I’m using Unity Mediation with Unity Ads and Admob (but the issue seems to be happening for unity ads specifically).
I’m using rewarded ads, the first time my ad is shown it fails to correctly reward the player.
The video is shown fine, but I’m not getting the user rewarded event.
I’m getting “Timeout while trying to show Android_Rewarded”.
It only happens for the first ad after installing the game, but still this seems very bad, because it means a user who tries to get a reward for watching and ad will probably encounter this, will not get his reward and then will not watch an ad again, because he will feel it doesn’t work.
I found this other thread from unity ads ( OnUnityAdsShowFailure is triggered always on first run when cookie dialog appears ) which seems to be suggesting that it’s an issue with the privacy popup.
Bonus: if I clear cache of my game in android settings then the ad will also fail in the same way (but without showing the privacy popup).
I guess as a workaround I’ll just have to always consider the first ad run as successful.

Hey @mzr ,
Thank you for reporting this. Could you tell us what version of mediation you are working with?
Added bonus if you can give us the unity ads sdk version (viewable in the android logs, if you search for sdk)


Ah, yes, sorry, forgot about that.
I’m using unity 2019.4.
I installed mediation in May. I assumed that’s the latest version, but it looks like it’s not. I believe I have version 0.4.1.
As for unity ads I think this is it “Info logger UNITY adapter initialized. Adapter Version: 0.4.3. SDK Version: 4.2.1.”?

Thank you, that is what we needed :slight_smile:
We will investigate.

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