Timeout while updating assemblies

Hi all,

I’m stuck with this problem for a while already and have Google’d a lot, but unfortunately couldn’t find a solution for this. Maybe one of you knows the solution to this error I’m receiving every time I’m starting the project?

Exception message

Timeout while updating assemblies:Assets/Plugins/Crazy Minnow Studio/SALSA LipSync/Plugins/SALSA-LipSync.dll (Output: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp65b239f0.tmp)
Assets/Plugins/Crazy Minnow Studio/SALSA LipSync/Editor/SALSA-LipSync-Editor.dll (Output: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp613bb929.tmp)
Assets/Plugins/UMotion/Plugins/Application/UMotionApplication.dll (Output: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp47d3b5ef.tmp)
Assets/Plugins/UMotion/Plugins/Editor/UMotionEditor.dll (Output: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2a24ca25.tmp)
Packages/com.unity.analytics/AnalyticsStandardEvents/Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll (Output: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp58e9d64e.tmp)
Packages/com.unity.analytics/Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll (Output: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4008c655.tmp)
Packages/com.unity.analytics/Unity.Analytics.Editor.dll (Output: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp75c108a7.tmp)
Following assemblies were successfully updated but due to the failed ones above they were ignored (not copied to the destination folder).
UnityEditor.Scripting.APIUpdaterLogger:WriteErrorToConsole(String, Object[ ])
UnityEditorInternal.APIUpdating.APIUpdaterManager:LogTimeoutError(AssemblyUpdaterUpdateTask[ ])
UnityEditorInternal.APIUpdating.APIUpdaterManager: ProcessImportedAssemblies(String[ ])

Thanks for helping in advance!

  • Maarten

Looks like maybe that lipsync DLL isn’t compatible with the version of Unity you’re using, and Unity gets wedged trying to update it.

Check if there are newer versions, or pester whoever made that DLL to make one that is Unity compatible at the version you’re using it.

ALSO: beware if it locks up halfway through updating it, the DLL could be damaged and require a fresh copy before you can successfully update.

hi i have same problem as: "timeout while updating assemblies: Assets/dotween-develop/UnityTests.Unity5/Assets/TextMesh Pro/Plugins/Editor DLL/TextMeshPro-5.6-Runtime.dll "
how to fix this error??
what means lipsync DLL?

The LipSync DLL is from a Unity asset I’ve downloaded at that time.
It looks like that you have TextMeshPro built into DOTween. Try to avoid that and keep TextMeshPro separate from that by downloading the TextMeshPro from the Unity AssetStore.

Hi All,
Even I have same problem :“Timeout while updating assemblies:Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/Google.VersionHandler.dll”
How to Fix this error

it is happening to me on 2021.3.16LTS, 2022.2.1f1 and 2023 alpha. Any idea? :confused:


Btw, it is still happening on 2021.3.26f1 but it compiles