Timer only goes for .02 seconds

I’m trying to make a timer that starts when a certain gameObject hits another gameObject. I have that part figured out, but I can’t figure out why it only go for the split second (.02 seconds to be exact) that the gameObjects collide with each other. I want it so that let’s say the timer is 15 seconds, so that it starts when the gameObjects collide and then continue even after one of the gameObjects are destroyed (because thats what happens when they collide). Any ideas?
Let me know if anything isn’t clear,

You want the countdown on the OTHER object that it collides with, not this one. Move all your timer code and what not over to a script on your other object, and create a PUBLIC void to trigger from your Powerup.

So in the power up script, on your Collision, just grab the script off the colliding object, and call a method in it…

    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider)
        OtherObjectsScript otherThing = collider.GetComponent<OtherObjectsScript>();