I’ve found a script for a timer for a racing game that keeps tells you how long you’ve been driving for. My problem is that I want to make it so that you can saved the time the person got. The timer is made by making GUI text and attaching this script:
var Timer = 0.0;
function Update ()
Timer += Time.deltaTime;
guiText.text = “” + Timer;
Is there anyway way to make it so that when a gameObject with the tag “Van” is destroyed that the timer either stops or gets recorded?
Here is a way: Have a ‘game controller’ GameObject that will be used to store the time, and create and attach a script to it with a public variable you can access to store the time.
Eg, have
public int vanTime;
in the gameController script.
Within the script attached to the Van, a simpler way of keeping track of the time is to record the time you started racing, eg inside the Start() function, have
timeStart = Time.time;
And when the van is destroyed, inside OnDestroy() (see list of the functions unity calls here)