timeScale (Slowmo) and Multiplayer

Hey folks :slight_smile:

I was wondering about one thing - how game will react if one user does timeScale (slowmo) function in multiplayer… Does entire “server” will be in slowmo or just one player?

if only one player gets slowmo:
After “slowmo” ends, user will see that other players “teleport” to real position (if they moved anywhere), right?

last questions: is it smart to use “slowmo” in multiplayer? and/or why not?

I hope that post and question is understandable.
Sorry for english, if there is any mistakes.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Interesting thoughts…

Just the one player will be in slowmo, I see no reason for Unity to transmit timescale data across the network.

It depends how you’re doing it… if you are using Lerp or Movetowards then they would simply glide towards there real position afterwards, if you are simple setting their position they will not have slowed down in the first place. Only things using Time.deltaTime will be afftected.

Up to you. I might stray away for purposes of it being a little unfair on different players, but it may add a really cool edge to your game…