Tips for handling large number of objects on screen

I have a unity demo game that showcases some server tech I’m working on. The server can handle thousands of objects/players in the same area, which is the main thing I want to showcase.

I’ve taken some of the free samples lying around to put together a simple 2000 x 2000 world. I’m using the free MAX character from the unity store. Once I get around 200 copies of max on the screen moving around, frame rate is about 1-2. The code is a mix of C# and unityscript, almost all taken from various examples off the net, aside from the networking code which is mine.

Some of the time is spent processing data from the network, but that’s not using up much cpu time. If I just disable rendering the characters, it can handle several hundred objects in the same area. It’s the rendering that’s killing me.

I’d rather not have to drop to say super low poly boxes or circles as my game objects, not quite the same impact. I also don’t want to spend huge amounts of time optimizing the client, as that’s not really my focus. I’d like to be able to have around 300 objects on the screen with a framerate that’s acceptable.

Any advice?


Are you batching at all? How many draw calls do you have? How about Verts, Tris or vram?