hi all,
Encounter some issues when upgrading an existing project from 5.4.1 to 5.6.1/2
Build was successful, but when deployed to the device the following error occurred :
08-08 20:19:44.159 : ERROR / EFL ( 9342 : 9342 ) : evas-gl_x11<9342> modules/evas/engines/gl_x11/evas_engine.c:578 evgl_eng_context_create() GLES 3 version not supported!
08-08 20:19:44.159 : ERROR / EFL ( 9342 : 9342 ) : EvasGL<9342> modules/evas/engines/gl_common/evas_gl_core.c:2269 evgl_context_create() Error creating context from the Engine.
08-08 20:19:44.159 : ERROR / EFL ( 9342 : 9342 ) : evas_main<9342> lib/evas/canvas/evas_gl.c:400 evas_gl_context_version_create() Failed creating a context from the engine.
08-08 20:19:44.209 : ERROR / CAPI_APPFW_APPLICATION ( 9342 : 9342 ) : app_error.c: app_error(59) > [_ui_app_appcore_create] INVALID_CONTEXT(0xfef00001) : app_create_cb() returns false
Seems like it somehow build with GLES3. Play around with player settings in 5.6.1, [Auto Graphics API] disable and remove OpenGLES3 and build did not help much. Puzzle, the exact project in 5.4.1, build and execute without errors.
Anyway i can force build to OpenGLES2 ? or there is a hack/fix around ?
Thank you!