Tizen 5.6.x Build issues with OpenGLES 3

hi all,

Encounter some issues when upgrading an existing project from 5.4.1 to 5.6.1/2
Build was successful, but when deployed to the device the following error occurred :

08-08 20:19:44.159 : ERROR / EFL ( 9342 : 9342 ) : evas-gl_x11<9342> modules/evas/engines/gl_x11/evas_engine.c:578 evgl_eng_context_create() GLES 3 version not supported!
08-08 20:19:44.159 : ERROR / EFL ( 9342 : 9342 ) : EvasGL<9342> modules/evas/engines/gl_common/evas_gl_core.c:2269 evgl_context_create() Error creating context from the Engine.
08-08 20:19:44.159 : ERROR / EFL ( 9342 : 9342 ) : evas_main<9342> lib/evas/canvas/evas_gl.c:400 evas_gl_context_version_create() Failed creating a context from the engine.
08-08 20:19:44.209 : ERROR / CAPI_APPFW_APPLICATION ( 9342 : 9342 ) : app_error.c: app_error(59) > [_ui_app_appcore_create] INVALID_CONTEXT(0xfef00001) : app_create_cb() returns false

Seems like it somehow build with GLES3. Play around with player settings in 5.6.1, [Auto Graphics API] disable and remove OpenGLES3 and build did not help much. Puzzle, the exact project in 5.4.1, build and execute without errors.

Anyway i can force build to OpenGLES2 ? or there is a hack/fix around ?
Thank you!


If you select Auto it will try GLES3 first and if a context cannot be created then it falls back to GLES2. Alternatively you can unselect Auto and have only GLES2 in the API list and that way only GLES2 is used.

Yes, tried this default method and receive the above error.

Yes, tried this alternative method, delete GLES3 and receive the above error.

It only happens for unity5.4 above…for 2 of my projects. Reinstall unity on OS X does not help either.

Does your project work at all or is it just the errors in the log that you’re worried about?

Yes, the project build works on unity 5.4.x. But after upgrading to unity 5.5/5.6 the build encounter the above errors on the device.

So just to be clear, it does not work when built with 5.5 or 5.6? What device is this on?

More details :
(a) 5.5.3f1 and 5.6.1p1
(b) device Samsung Z3/SM-Z300H with Tizen firmware and Samsung Z2/SM-Z200F with Tizen firmware

You don’t have multithreaded rendering enabled do you? It is not supported on Tizen.