Tizen Mobile App Incentive Program!

We’ve got a new great program coming for all of our Unity developers!

Win $10,000 for being in the monthly Top 100 apps on the Tizen Seller Store. This incentive program opens next year but we encourage you to start developing your app now, publish it in the store and start getting downloads! For more details, visit: bit.ly/2gt3yHl

Now get developing! If you haven’t started developing for Tizen with Unity, we have some getting started resources here.


In-app purchasing on Tizen doesn’t work.

Is there some published list that shows the top 100 apps? Would love to see if any of mine are there.

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Nice contest!

Very good, for the previous contest I couldn’t find a Samsung Tizen in time, but this time I will have the time to buy a Z2.
I hope to be in the top100

There are more than 100 apps on the Tizen store ? :smile:
Btw, finally a context that doesn’t end few months since the announcement.

I see one App can be paid only one time. What about multiple app of the same company?
Can one get paid for 2 apps?
Any data on the demographic of Tizen marketplace?

For me it’s $10’000 for each game in the top 100 you have
And the masketplace is India mainly for the moment.

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Cheers everyone, to anyone asking about rules / restrictions they will be coming with the official launch of the event next year. We just wanted to make sure you have enough lead time to actually prepare.

Anyone know how to test if no Tizen device?

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Any news on extending support into the Gear S2 and S3?

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Use Remote Testing Lab: http://developer.samsung.com/rtlLanding.do

Be careful though, Tizen is very strict on their validation. I had 1 “rate the game” button which wasn’t doing anything because it’s not possible to implement the feature on Tizen (as far as I know) and they rejected it with 3 video reply of the same problem where the button does nothing.


This is getting crazy. Tizen just rejected my application because of Unity’s own “Dropdown” component. They sent a video and said that was working slow and rejected the game. This is the 4th rejection because of a single basic ui element. I’m afraid next time they will reject because I used 2 different fonts on the ui.

Still can’t get my app to start on the RTL and the validator is having the same problem on his device.

Can anyone use the Remote Testing Lab on the Indian servers? I’m always getting a connection error.

Update: not working for others

I can’t even create an account at https://www.tizen.org/. It says “Further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.” but the email never arrives. Resending the email has the same outcome and trying to recreate the account results in “That account name has been taken”.

Edit: my bad…tizen mails get automatically sent to spam by gmail :frowning:

I wonder when more information is coming. We’re already in the first month of the challenge. Also, “Top 100” is unclear. Top 100 free? Top 100 most downloaded apps of all time? Top 100 most downloaded apps of that month?

After fix strange unity bug (to fix it i reset player settings and setup them from scratch) i finally able to test my game on tizen emulator, game work but looks like emulator give bad perfomance even with cpu and gpu virtualization enabled, only 30-35 fps, not sure what fps expect on real devices

More information on the official Tizen forum thread

Maaan I have a hard time googling about current Tizen phones on the market! I can’t even be bothered googling about how to sign up for developers account. I can publish games for iOS, Android, Oculus, used to Amazon and BB but I am just like others. I spend time learning how to publish to BB then it got busted, I spend time on Amazon but I never got to like it. And I bought windows phone but I never published a game because I don’t give a fliping monkey about store that is run by corporate morons! Tizen looks like it’s just a big PR buble. This 10k competition is a joke! They should really work on their wiki pages and tizen udemy classes. I can sh*t suggestions on how they can attract developers without incentives. This is just a lame corporate approach. Devs anit fliping strippers TIZEN!


Yes the whole competition and whole advertising deal with Unity total joke.
Unity representatives not replying because they know its true.
Lets see if anyone got paid from first competition.

Please fix your buggy Tizen platform and get proper adverts + Inapps working correctly…