So I have a custom multiplayer system using sslstream sockets on the server trying to connect to a websocket from a simple javascript plugin on the client (using a normal socket server side that upgrades to a websocket because of cross platform stuff) it used to work but lately I’ve been getting this error everytime I call the SslStream.AuthenticateAsServer() function:
The authentication works fine when connecting to a standalone client that’s also using a normal sslstream instead of a websocket so I suspect its some configuration setting I need to figure out. Any ideas?
It’s with let’s encrypt so it autorenews periodically but the path is the same, also it should be fine because like I mentioned I can connect with a regular sslstream and authenticate it, just not with a JavaScript websocket. Also that’s a different error I don’t get the UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_NOT_TRUSTED just the UNITYTLS_INTERNAL_ERROR
well submitting a bug report is easy, its a menu item (help->report a bug), however, it will zip up everything, so it is best to make a new project with a minimal case to demonstrate
update: I’m a dum dum certs don’t always work for subdomains but apparently do in the standalone build?
I had been using gameserver.[actualdomain].[tld] so I could setup an actual website at [actualdomain].[tld] and it turns out that’s what was causing the auth to fail, setting it back to just use [actualdomain].[tld] fixed it so ill just need to figure out how to setup the cert to specifically apply to the subdomain.