I am trying to find a way to automatically update the text of a TMP in several places upon modification in just one (for outlines, drop shadows & stuff alike).
I stumbled on the explanation using TMP example 23 with TMPro_EventManager.TEXT_CHANGED_EVENT
and wrote as recommended:
void OnEnable()
void OnDisable()
void OnTextChanged(Object objectChanged)
if (objectChanged == textToCopy)
// do something
// ...
Debug.Log("updating text");
Now, the script only works if I do disable and enable it again in the inspector.
I’m not sure of what I am doing wrong, in principle subscribing to an event is permanent once the script is enabled? In my mind, the script is telling that every time the event is called, OnTextChanged will be called, but what it is doing is that it is called only when the script is effectively enabled just as if I wrote the update in the OnEnable()
Does anyone see what isn’t working here?
Thank you very much!