I am trying to use TMP on a 2D app, whenver the TMP is generated though, it looks like this:
Here is the settings of the TMP:
and the worldspace canvas it belongs to:
Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
I am trying to use TMP on a 2D app, whenver the TMP is generated though, it looks like this:
Here is the settings of the TMP:
and the worldspace canvas it belongs to:
Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
Are you using the default Liberation Sans font asset? If not, make sure that your font asset Sampling Point Size to Padding Ratio is about 10%
Are you using a Canvas Scaler? If so this is messing up the SDF Scale. An easy way to resolve this is to use one of the SSD variant of the SDF shaders. Select the material used by your font asset and switch the shader to the SSD version. The SSD version have SSD added as suffix to the shader name.
Let me know if the above resolves your issue.
Hi Stephan, thanks for your reply.
I am using the default Liberation Sans SDF Font, with the Liberation Sans SDF Material:
I have changed the Shader:
But the text is still blurry.
I am using the Universal Render Pipeline with the 2D Renderer:
Dont know if that makes a difference.
I believe your issue might be the result of using FXAA in URP. See the following post and let me know if that helps.
Hi, yes that fixed it for me. Thankyou