TMP Resource Importer Constantly Popping Up

Sorry if this is a repost or a common problem but I could not find it in my searches.

I’m using Unity 2018.1.0f2 and TMP 1.2.3.

Every time I click on anything TMP related - whether it be the Font Asset Creator, a TMP UGUI Component, anything - the Resources Importer pops up and tells me it’s the first time I’m accessing TMP. Clicking on the Import button does what it usually does, but I’ve already done it several times. If I got through the Window → TMP → Import method, it tells me “You’ve already done this!”

Is there some way I can stop it from doing this? It’s literally keeping me from editing anything in the component because it will tab over to the window every time I click on something, and if I try to X out of the RI window then it will focus on the component, which reopens the window.

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Once the TMP Essential Resources have been imported, this should not be happening.

When you look in the project, do you see the TMP Settings file in “Assets/TextMesh Pro/Resources/TMP Settings”?

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Sorry for the late response - I thought I’d get an email for replies (fixed now).

After you said that, I noticed that the TMP folder was inside a folder called StreamingAssets? I don’t know how it got there. Deleting it and reinstalling the entire package seems to have fixed the problem. I’ll let you know if anything else goes wrong, thanks for the time!

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I have the same problem… how can I solve it…

If you are using TextMesh Pro and have not imported the TMP Essential Resources, then this window will keep showing up.

If you are not using TextMesh Pro then I would need more details to try to figure out why this import window might be showing up.

Solved this problem , delete the text mesh folder and select text mesh option to make the importer pop up again and then you can select the essential , import then its done no more pop up


This fixed it for me. Thanks

Excuse me, can you tellme which one is the “text mesh folder” and “text mesh option”?

Hey, I just solve it by downgrade my 2.0.1 Text Mesh Pro to 1.3.0 Text Mesh Pro

because i have install 2.0.1, i have to remove this version
Window >> Package Manager >> Text Mesh Pro (2.0.1)>> Remove
for sure, check in (project folder)\Library\PackageCache delete com.unity.textmeshpro@2.0.1 or that version make TMP Imporeter Window keep pops up
for sure (2), check that there is not TextMesh Pro folder in Project windows (in UNITY). If there is the folder, delete it.

Then i install 1.3.0 version (it still a good version for me)
Window >> Package Manager >> Text Mesh Pro (2.0.1)>> dropdown See All Versions >> choose 1.3.0 version

this is how i solve it

The Import Window should only show up if you have not already imported the TMP Essential Resources in your project. This window shows up when creating a TMP object when it detects those resources are not present.

These resources can manually be imported by using the Window - TextMeshPro - Import TMP Essential Resources menu option.

The latest release of TMP for Unity 2019.x is version 2.1.0-preview.2. Preview 3 will be available by the end of the week.

The latest releases of TMP (version 1.4.0 and up for Unity 2018.4 and 2.0.0 and up for Unity 2019.x) include the new Dynamic SDF system so it is recommended to use the latest releases.

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Currently using Unity 2019.3.14f1 with TextMesh Pro 2.0.1, and it has a 2019.3 verified stamp on it. That window will not stop popping up, and when it does pop up, the option to import the essential resourses is grayed out and un-clickable.

I uninstalled TextMesh Pro, deleted the folder, re-installed TextMesh Pro, and then imported (well, re-imported) the essentials. That seemed to work for me. Maybe I didn’t need to go so far as uninstalling TexMesh Pro completely, but it was really pissing me off so I went a bit overboard on it.

I am not sure what gets the package into that state as I have not been able to reproduce it on my end or been provided a project / bug report allowing me to reproduce it.

The latest release of the TMP package is 2.1.0-preview.13 for Unity 2019.x.

I was using the provided project for the “Up and Running with URP” course/tutoral from Unity Learn.

I just experienced the same issue with version 3.2.0-pre.
I do not think it is an issue with TMP, debugging revealed that Resources.Load<TMP_Settings>(“TMP Settings”)
in the getter of TMP_Settings#instance returned null.
In fact, Resources.LoadAll(“”) did not show any of the resources in the text mesh pro folder in my case.
Even reinstalling the package and deleting and reimporting the tmp assets folder did not solve the issue.

Assets/Reimport All fixed this issue, so I assume that some unity asset caching went wrong here.

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Thank you! THIS is what fixed it for me!

Tried everything several times like re-installing TMP, deleting TMP folder, re-importing TMP resources, and restarting Unity but still same problem.

“Assets > Reimport All” is like a magical fix! Note that if you have a large project, I heard it could take several hours. My project is 2.5GB on SSD so it took just under 20 min.