It’s the first time I’m encoutering this for the last few years. I created a new Sprite Asset the way I do usualy but whenever I launch unity it keeps reseting to an empty state.
I need to press “Update Sprite asset” each time to have the Sprite Tables populated.
Any idea what could be going on ?
It was systemically happening. I deleted the file and created a sprite asset again from the sprite sheet. The behaviours does not seem to reproduce anymore.
It happens again.
@Stephan_B Sorry to ping you on this but it is quite a critical moment on the project lifetime and this makes for a lot of lost time. Any insight on why a Sprite asset would not serialize and/or reset itself ?
As you can see the saved sprite asset tables are empty even after we pressed “Updated Sprite asset” and that it was correctly populated. When deleting and recreating the sprite asset it seems to be working again.
Unity LTS 2021.3.19 and TMP 3.0.6
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--- !u!21 &8069939188130839121
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Also occurs with Unity 2020.3.48f1, TMP 3.2.0-pre.4
issue is active as of now: