Ive tried many things but it does not show. I can verify this is an issue because a toggle’s text shows in world space ui, but none of the tmp ui like a button or text. All other UI display fine, everything except a text or tmp text.The button image shows as seen in the image above. Ive spent all day trying to figure out whats wrong, very frustrating. I am on version 2021.2.16f1. Would anyone know whats up or have the same issue? Ive tried a reimport to no avail.
What version of the TMP package are you using? The latest is version 3.2.0-pre.3.
Please make sure that you have imported the TMP Essential Resources.
Are you using normal text components or components?
When you mention button, I presume you are creating this button using the context menu UI - Button - TextMeshPro. Correct?
Can you post an image of your scene hierarchy along with image of the inspector of the Canvas, button and child text object?
If you create a new scene and add a UI - Button - TextMeshPro, button does the text show up? Does this only happen when you change the Canvas to Worldspace?
Importing essential resources fixed the issue. Thanks.
Shouldn’t this be imported by default when we install the package? isnt that the purpose of the package manager
The package itself is installed by default but does not contribute to builds unless it is used in the project.
The TMP Essential Resources which includes the shaders, font assets, TMP Settings and other resources which can be edited by users must be contained in the user project as anything contained in packages is read-only.
Since these resources are essential and must be contained in the user project and once present will contribute to build size, we only bring the window to import the TMP Essential Resources on first use (as a project may not be using text at all which although rare is still possible) and only import them with the user’s consent.
When adding any objects such as a UI - Button - TextMeshPro or component that users TMP, the following window should have shown up to inform you of the need to import these resources.
unity 2022.3.36f1
so for some reason UGUI Text shows in world canvas but TMP does not, tried package manager import and tmp essentials import…