To count deaths with global variable

Hi! i’ve got a question. in my game my player can die by falling down or by hitting the spikes ,each type have their own scripts to work. How can i count the number of deaths from the two scripts into a single variable so i can display in my screen .Any help is Welcome!

You’d probably want to make a “GameManager”, basically an empty game object. Next, make a script named something (anything, “DeathManager” works) open it up and use this code:

public int deaths = 0;

public void IncreaseDeaths()
deaths += 1;

then, in your scripts that kill the player you’ll want to make a reference to the death manager, so:

private DeathManager dm;

void Awake()
dm = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<DeathManager>();

Then when you kill the player, simply call dm.IncreaseDeaths().

If you want to display the deaths on a text, you need to import the new Unity UI (unless you’re using legacy)


//put this at the top of your script
using UnityEngine.UI;

public Text deathText;

void IncreaseDeaths()
deaths += 1;
deathText.text = deaths.ToString();

If you need to ask any questions feel free.

P.S: this is pseudo code and is all untested, you’ve been warned.