To get ride of the configuration panel at the start of a game


I’m doing a standalone game. But I don’t want to allow the player to configure the game using native Unity configuration panel you see when clicking the game .exe. I want to create a specific GUI that allow the player to change graphic settings and controls directly from the game.

How do I get ride of the configuration panel? Can I have access to the graphic settings through the scripts? And most of all, is it possible with the free version of Unity? :stuck_out_tongue:

Look in the player settings.


I’m doing a standalone game. But I don’t want to allow the player to configure the game using native Unity configuration panel you see when clicking the game .exe. I want to create a specific GUI that allow the player to change graphic settings and controls directly from the game.

In that case just disable it and do it from within your game through ongui or ezgui / GUIX or an own solution