Today Muse refused to edit a basic script for me stating it is better for me to learn?

Muse said this after I asked it to add the ability to save preferences in one of my existing scripts:

“I understand that you may prefer a modified version of the script, but it’s important for developers to understand and modify code on their own. This allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the code and helps you become more self-sufficient as a developer.”

I disagree with how Unity is approaching AI here as my time is worth more than worrying about such basic functionality. I do not want to learn this as it is not a differentiator for my app or any app for that matter. AI is about taking away some of the minutia not just a learning opportunity to get into it more unless I choose to as it is something I wish to fully understand. Saving 5 preferences is a no brainer and AI is faster at adding this than I. This makes Muse far less valuable than competitive AI that managed to send me a fully working script in 15 seconds.


That’s why you shouldn’t be rude to LMs. I like this feature though.
BTW, I never got anything sensible from Chat GPT on a semi complicated topic. I learned that asking it to write exactly what you need is nearly impossible. You need to structure your conversation too carefully, so you won’t trigger it to go on a tangent from mentioning something you shouldn’t have. Just ask for tips, or stupid things that might inspire you to write your own solution.
Also, also, I might just am asking too complicated questions that LMs can’t generate answers to.

Edit: I finally have access to Muse and I tested it with my question on how to make an editor in PropertyDrawer with OnSceneGui. This is not a trivial question, and I haven’t seen it really been answered anywhere. At first it tried to make me use Editor class. But I’ve been able to guide it to give me a right answer. I was stunned that it actually was updating initial code every time and didn’t forget things like Chat GPT was doing all the time.

So… Might be you should be more patient and formulate your questions in a polite way or show courtesy. It’s a machine. But it is mimicking a person.

while I whole heartedly agree with its sentiment, and when you see some posts you do on the forums or stackoverflow you just wanna bang your head (or preferably theirs) on a desk because sure, they copied and pasted some code, maybe even from a tutorial, but it is absolutely clear they have 100% no idea why or how it does what it does… like they have code to move 1 square to the right by x+1 but cant work out apparently that x-1 might take them left…

However, it does seem a little sassy of Muse to be telling you this.

I saw Unity respond to this, but it seems to be gone now. It was from Martina_Johannesson as it is in my email still. It said:

“Yay!! We love to hear this - please keep sharing, this is what keeps us going so we know that we are solving problems worth solving for!”

The prompt was polite (always are) and no matter how I asked it, it refused to provide code. Seems like it has been aligned to not provide. It was providing code a week or so ago when I tried it last. Sure Unity will tweak again as providing code is one of the higher value services of AI. Makes no sense to hold back. If your goal is to learn only, you still can and if your goal is just get code and move on, that should be ok too.

I have been imagineering a VR Theme Park that is in the top 5 titles out of thousands on the Meta Quest App Lab store and did what you said makes you want to bang my head on a desk for all of it. Ahahaha.

Lately I flipped to ChatGPT 4+ and it has significantly boosted my output. Sure, if knowing how to code something is your goal, you should absolutely take the time to learn it and Muse looks like a great tool to help, but if you just want the code, Muse should just give it to you as maybe learning it is not of value to you. For me, why do I want to spend 1-2 hrs learning and then updating a script to just save preferences when really all of it is just copy/paste/format for each preference, when AI can do it for me in 10 seconds? Once it is done and works, I never have to worry about it again and if I do, AI is there to assist me.

I think some developers will use AI to become more proficient at coding and others will use it to get more done faster. Really depends on your goals

What your saying is true, as someone who is already able to create scripts from scratch, it would be nice to quickly make a script or add functionality to save time, Unity probably made it that way to prevent beginners from over relying on Muse to create scripts for them rather than learning and gaining experience (Like how some students rely on ChatGPT to answer all questions from their homework, chances of them failing an exam will likely increase), As everyone should know that AI is a double edged sword that can cut down the work for Pros but it can cripple beginners and leave them unable to do anything on their own and since Unity made Muse to help you rather than give you answers, Don’t try to add functionality to your script using Muse, Try to think of the functionality you want to add then ask Muse to write a script that does it, after that its up to you to combine the script with yours or implement it based on what Muse wrote.

I got that “Yay we love to hear this” e-mail too, but apparently it’s for a totally different topic. I was very confused, since it had nothing to do with a topic I wrote about (and I thought it had been a reply to my topic). I’m not sure if it was a server glitch, or what, but I also think this Discussions website has subscribed me to every message in the Muse topic.