Toggle Object Collision

Hey everyone, I recently converted from using Game Maker to Unity and I wanted to know how I would go about making it so I can toggle the solidity of a box(or any solid object) at the press of a button( lets say “S” for arguments sake). Help would be greatly appreciated.

You can set collider.isTrigger to true: the object’s collider becomes a trigger, and other objects pass through it. OnCollision events are no more sent - the trigger sends OnTrigger events instead.

NOTE: If the object has a rigidbody, set rigidbody.useGravity to false, or it will fall through the terrain like a rock!

You can just change the collider’s ‘enabled’ property to stop it from interacting with other colliders like:

void Update() {
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) {
        collider.enabled = !collider.enabled;