Toggle Trail Renderer?

Is there a way to toggle a trail renderer on and off similar to how you can set the “emit” property of an ellipsoid particle emitter? I’m trying to create a trail along the ground that is broken when the player is in the air. Should I try and cobble together a trail using an ellipsoid emitter instead?


No, the trail renderer is always a contiguous line.


Hmm, bummer. I guess I’ll try to mimic a trail using an ellipsoid emitter.

In case anyone is in a similar situation, I have found a good solution for this. Since creating the effect using an ellipsoid emitter looks like trash, I am now spawning a new trail renderer attached to the player each time the player contacts the ground. As soon as the player leaves the ground, I change the parent of the trail renderer to null and set a timer to destroy it. Works great so far.