Too many Objects?


I have 10-12 different objects in my Game. If i add one new object the game crashs when i start the build. In unity preview is everything ok. Any ideas?

You need to share far more information than that if you want to get help. Do you have any error messages or warnings in the console? What kind of objects do you have? Are you doing something very special or unusual?


I dont have important errors. Only a few downgrade audio messages. My object can be a cube. If i add the cube the game crashes right after the unity logo. It also did not help to reduce objects. After 2 houres load old builds, the game runs with the object. But i must check now every little change if the game build works because in unity it works everytime. This problem is not new. I have this problem since 3 days with every new object. the next object import will be the next error. No fun :(. And i dont see a reason because it works in the unity editor.

Its a game with Oculus Rift support. I dont do anything special. The only other Problem i have is that when the game first time loads a weapon or hits a collider i got a hiccup/little stutter. But than never again if i use the weapon.

99% i have no framerate problems.

My objects are from blender. Normal blend file or fbx.

Sorry, but I have no idea how anyone should be able to help you with this amount of information. Did you try an empty build with Oculus Rift to see whether you have issues with it? Did you try to connect the debugger?

Hey, thank u for your help! i will give every you information u need. But i dont know which infromations are important. Now im again in the same situation. I added a new object and the game build dont start (but a empty build works).

But: If i check “Development Build” the Build starts. Maybe the slowdown helps the game.

With the Debugger i dont find anything. Some paramterissues in the Oculus scritps. I think that is not the problem. If i delete the object from the hierarchy the game works fine again without development build.

Here you find ma last error files:

Maybe good news:

I now can reproduce the error. If I deselect in the import Settings → Model → Material i can add the object and the game build runs. If i add a Texture to the object, the game build crashes after the unity logo.
So i have tried the same thing with different objects. Its everytime the same problem if i copy the new texture over the old (drag and drop). If i first delete the old texture and then put the nex texture on the object, then it works. But this works not with my new object.

But then the error looks very random. One time i get one (of two) parts of the texture on the object and the build works, but then it only works with no textures.

My textures are all 1024x1024. I treid to add some smaller textures on objects, but then the build of the game did not start anymore.

Any ideas?

Did you try to use such a model in a newly created project to check whether the issue occurs there as well?

I have tried it now. In the new project there is no issue.

That means, it is most likely not the issue. Did you try to get rid of the missing MonoBehaviour errors?

Yes. And now it works. I dont understand why. After cleanIng the sound issues the problemes are gone.

Thank you! You are the Best!

Your sentence that you don’t have any important error messages made me skeptic :slight_smile:
Every error message is absolutely essential, because everything after that message may be in an unstable state. When an error message happens, it means that certain computations or initializations could not be done. The consequences of that are hardly predictable.

Only yellow messages ;). Now i know it better :slight_smile:

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