Too Many Redirection or Circular Redirection

I have a problem accessing I tried a couple of browsers from a couple of computers and got the same result. The browsers stated that redirected too many times and then redirected back to the original site.

Does anyone have this problem?

Same problem here:

This page isn’t working redirected you too many times.

same here, There is a majority of people who have the same problem out there but they can’t find where to post their problems I believe. so consider I’m a representation of 100 people and get this problem fixed asap PLZ?!:rage:

Here’s a way you can remove too many redirects, which should resolve your issue.

Let me know if this works for you! Thanks!

i tried usign your link but i get the same error from Google Chrome, unity sends too many redirects and therefore Chrome doesnt allow me to view the website.

I had the same thing.
Problem was with dns server settings.
I changed to Google dns servers, which fixed the problem.

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