I need to create a toogle button like a radio button. But here is the problem: if the user click on same button already selected it cannot stay unselected. That is, toogle buttons must act like radio buttons.
All tutorials and foruns that i have readed until this moment does not explain how create this behavior.
Hello friend.
Take a look at this. If you are still facing problems, please provide me more informations about what exactly you need so I will write you some code.
Hi. I have already readed it. But if I click again in the SAME toggle button, it is turned off. I guess I will create the behavior by programming.
-Create a Parent UI Object. Add ToggleGroup Component to it.
-Create as many child toggle objects as required.
-In the Group field of each of the child’s Toggle component, assign the parent’s reference
-Make Sure parent’s ToggleGroup Component’s Allow Switch Off field is unchecked
-Run the scene